We are very excited to let you know that Black The Fall is fully playable. All puzzles are in place and working, all scenes are set-up, the ending is there – all of it. Black The Fall is alive and kicking! 🎇
We are now pushing for the full Alpha version, due in a month (without deadlines one would still be improving the first playrooms). This means there’s still some work to be done starting with a lot of in-house testing, as we need to scrub it of all obvious bugs, before we call our friends over for an outsider opinion. Nico is our testing queen and she needs a spa week, a city-break or just a break from playing, bug spotting and trying not to fix things on the spot (which would be so unproductive).
By the way, if you happen to be in Bucharest in the following weeks and want to play any parts of it, just drop us a note. We'd love to have you testing it!
Fun fact: Licu actually advised Nico to be bad at it, this way nobody would want her to test. But I guess she can’t go against her nature of being such a merciless observant of what can be improved.
The game looks great and we're now adding the final communist touches. We're aiming for excellence here - Party's orders. So we're currently working on:
- Dressing – suitable scenery to render the atmosphere (on our artists’ to-do list Nico, Marius, Andrei and Andreea).
- Animations - how Black, the Guard, the Worker and our jazzy Sentinel move around (it's on Cristi for design & Licu for functionality)
- Navigation – how the characters navigate individually and together (Razvan is the lucky responsible for this one)
- Designator – how our laser pointer, used to designate, works (pinkie swear from Razvan on this one)
We are closer to our goal, as we planned to launch Black The Fall on PC this autumn. And we’re going for it, full steam ahead!